November 7, 2017 Source: HealthCMi Healthcare Medicine Institute

Research finds acupuncture combined with herbal medicine effective for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Acupuncture combined with the herbal formula Dang Gui Si Ni Tang resulted in a total effective rate of 93.75%. The research demonstrates that acupuncture combined with the herbal formula has a “significant curative effect on rheumatoid arthritis….” While these findings are hopeful, the 93.75% total effective rate represents all clinically significant improvements and does not represent a cure rate.
Dang Gui Si Ni Tang, translated as Angelica Decoction for Frigid Extremities, is a Traditional Chinese Medicine herbal formula included in the Shang Han Lun (Treatise on Cold Damage Disorders), written in 220 CE. In the book, the herbal formulation is recommended for patients with a sensation of chilled hands and feet combined with a small and weak pulse, which is attributed to an external weakness of yang.
Dang Gui Si Ni Tang is categorized as an herbal formula that warms the channels and disperses cold. The formula warms the channels, expels the cold, nourishes the blood, and invigorates blood stasis. Dang Gui Si Ni Tang contains:
Dang Gui (Radix Angelicae Sinensis)
Gui Zhi (Ramulus Cinnamomi)
Shao Yao (Radix Paeoniae)
Xi Xin (Herba Asari)
Zhi Gan Cao (Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata)
Mu Tong (Akebiae Caulis)
Da Zao (Fructus Jujubae)
Another study investigated Dan Gui Si Ni Tang’s therapeutic effects for diabetics. Patients with diabetic foot ulcers due to blood stasis or kidney yang deficiency were randomized into an herbal group and a drug group. The randomized-controlled trial selected patients from the Maoming Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine at the Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine. The treatment group received a modified version of Dang Gui Si Ni Tang and the control group received treatment with cilostazol, a quinolinone derivative used to relieve symptoms due to peripheral vascular disease.
Both the herbal formula group and the drug group demonstrated significant therapeutic effects. The researchers concluded that Dang Gui Si Ni Tang is effective for reducing symptoms due to diabetic foot ulcers. In addition, the herbal formula outperformed the drug group in the reduction of advanced glycation end products (AGEs). AGEs are substances that worsen diabetes and other degenerative diseases including atherosclerosis and Alzheimer’s disease. AGEs are involved in oxidative damage and show evidence of causing blood vessel pathologies in diabetics. At the end of the study, the level of AGEs in the Dang Gui Si Ni Tang group was lower than the level in the drug group. This indicates that the herbal formula is more effective in lowering concentrations of these harmful compounds than the drug.
In related research, Chen et al. conclude that Dang Gui Si Ni Tang ameliorates myelosuppression. This is a condition often caused by chemotherapy toxicity wherein there is a decrease in production of immunity related cells including leukocytes, erythrocytes, and thrombocytes. The research indicates that the herbal formula may potentially relieve these harmful adverse effects of cancer treatment.
The researchers note, “Our results demonstrated that DSD (Dang Gui Si Ni Tang) could significantly elevate the level of bone marrow hematopoietic stem progenitor cells in myelosuppression mice model.” They add that Dang Gui Si Ni Tang “accelerated cell proliferation by switching cell cycles from G0/G1 phase to S and G2/M phase.” The researchers note that Dang Gui Si Ni Tang also “significantly elevated the mRNA expression level of TPO (thrombopoietin)….” The research team concludes that Dang Gui Si Ni Tang “is highly potent to ameliorate myelosuppression induced by chemotherapy by upregulating TPO expression.”
Liu Xiaoli. “Efficacy Observation on Acupuncture Combined with Danggui Sini Decoction for Rheumatoid Arthritis.” Chinese Manipulation & Rehabilitation Medicine. 2015 (3), R246, 116300.
You, Wei-Hua, Ping Wang, Mao-Qing Li, Yu Zhang, Yu-Lan Peng, and Feng-Ling Zhang. "Therapeutic effects of modified Danggui Sini Decoction on plasma level of advanced glycation end products in patients with Wagner grade 0 diabetic foot: a randomized controlled trial." Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Xue Bao 7, no. 7 (2009): 622-628.
Chen, Qing-quan, Xuesong Han, Wan-ming Wang, Liangyu Zhao, and Aimin Chen. "Danggui Sini Decoction Ameliorates Myelosuppression in Animal Model by Upregulating Thrombopoietin Expression." Cell biochemistry and biophysics (2014): 1-6.
November 6, 2017 Source Qi Journal

Drink To Your Health: The Benefits of Green Tea
What You Eat and Drink has a major bearing on how long you're likely to live. It's old news--the chief killer in our country is still heart disease (followed by cancer). And, the chief contributing factor in heart disease is simply a bad habit of eating and drinking too much of the wrong things. In the case of cancer, diet has already been shown to be a major factor in many types of malignancy, and more of these relationships are being discovered all the time.
If some of the stuff in your kitchen is bad for you, it stands to reason that some of the rest of it ought to be good for you. We already know about bran, carrots, spinach, kale, leeks and seaweed, but now, scientists may have discovered an even more palatable way for us to stay healthy.
This new health drink is a special kind of tea. It's been shown to significantly reduce the effects of carcinogens in laboratory mice. It slowed the development of skin cancer in mice exposed to UV radiation. It helped slow or prevent the formation of stomach and lung cancer tumors (in mice). And, in one study, using one of the most potent carcinogens in cigarette smoke, mice given this type of tea developed 45% fewer lung cancer tumors.
In Japan, where they consume a lot of this beverage, the death rate from lung cancer is much lower than here in the United States, even though the average cigarette consumption among men in Japan is much higher.
What is this special tea with all the potential health benefits? It's not chamomile, or rosehips, or bran, carrots, spinach, kale, leeks or seaweed, for that matter. It's tea. Just ordinary tea. Green tea to be exact, from your typical tea plant, Camellia Sinensis. Scientists currently believe that the active ingredient that may be responsible for the anti carcinogenic effects are the group of polyphenols called catechins. Dry black tea, like your ordinary grocery tea, contains 3%-10% catechins. Oolong tea contains a little bit more (8-20%). Green tea, however, contains a lot more. A full 30-42% of the dry weight of green tea consists of catechins.
All of these different styles of tea are made from the same plant--the difference is in the processing. Black tea is made by rolling the leaves, then exposing them to air. This causes most of the polyphenols in the leaves to oxidize. Oolong tea is produced via a process of rolling and drying that causes only about half of the polyphenols to be lost. Green tea, however, is heated with dry air or steam, and this destroys the enzyme in the leaves that allows the polyphenols to oxidize. They remain in the leaves to benefit mankind and laboratory mice.
If you are a mouse in a high-risk group for cancer, researchers are already quite clear on how green tea can improve your health and chances of survival. But what about humans? Some studies have shown a correlation between green tea consumption and reduced cancer risk in humans. Statistical studies show that Japanese people who drink a lot of green tea show lower rates of all types of cancer, and especially stomach cancer.
Further research is needed to pin down the specific health benefits of green tea to humans, because there's no way to know for certain, via statistical research, where the health benefits are coming from. in order words, if you are the type of person who prefers green tea, you may also be the type of person who does many other health things.
In the meantime, a couple of things seem certain. First, it if turns out that the risk of cancer can be reduced by something as simple as drinking a cup of tea, we can expect to be hearing a lot more about it. Finally, to paraphrase one researcher, a cup or two a day can't hurt!
November 4, 2017 Source: National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH)
Research has produced promising results for some complementary health approaches for tension headache or migraine. For other approaches, evidence of effectiveness is limited or conflicting.
Mind and Body Approaches
Mind and body approaches that have been studied for headache include acupuncture, biofeedback, massage, relaxation techniques, spinal manipulation, and tai chi.
Acupuncture is a technique in which practitioners stimulate specific points on the body, most often by inserting thin needles through the skin.
There have been many studies of acupuncture for headache. The combined results from these studies indicate that acupuncture may help relieve headache pain, but that much of its benefit may be due to nonspecific effects including expectation, beliefs, and placebo responses rather than specific effects of needling.
Acupuncture is generally considered safe when performed by an experienced practitioner using sterile needles. Improperly performed acupuncture can cause potentially serious side effects.
Biofeedback measures body functions and gives you information about them so that you can become more aware of those functions and learn to control them. For example, a biofeedback device may show you measurements of muscle tension. By watching how these measurements change, you can become more aware of when your muscles are tense and learn to relax them.
Several types of biofeedback have been studied for headaches, including techniques that help people learn to relax and more specific techniques that focus on changes that occur during headaches.
- Tension headaches. Many studies have tested biofeedback for tension headaches, and several evaluations of this research have concluded that biofeedback may be helpful. However, an evaluation that included only the highest quality studies concluded that there is conflicting evidence about whether biofeedback is helpful for tension headaches.
- Migraines. Studies have shown decreases in the frequency of migraines in people who were using biofeedback. However, it’s unclear whether biofeedback is better than a placebo for migraines.
Biofeedback generally does not have harmful side effects.
Massage therapy includes a variety of techniques in which practitioners manipulate the soft tissues of the body.
Limited evidence from two small studies suggests massage therapy is possibly helpful for migraines, but clear conclusions cannot be drawn.
Massage therapy appears to have few risks when performed by a trained practitioner. However, people with health conditions and pregnant women may need to avoid some types of massage and should consult their health care providers before having massage therapy.
Relaxation Techniques
Relaxation techniques—such as progressive muscle relaxation, guided imagery, and breathing exercises—are practices that can produce the body’s natural relaxation response. (Some types of biofeedback are also designed to help people learn relaxation; biofeedback is discussed in a separate section above.)
Although some experts consider relaxation techniques to be promising for tension headaches, there isn’t much evidence to support their effectiveness. An evaluation of high-quality studies on relaxation techniques found conflicting evidence on whether they’re better than no treatment or a placebo. Some studies suggest that relaxation techniques are less helpful than biofeedback.
Relaxation techniques generally don’t have side effects. However, rare harmful effects have been reported in people with serious physical or mental health conditions.
Spinal Manipulation
Spinal manipulation is a technique in which practitioners use their hands or a device to apply a controlled force to a joint of the spine. Chiropractors or other health professionals may use this technique.
Spinal manipulation is frequently used for headaches. However, it’s uncertain whether manipulation is helpful because studies have had contradictory results.
Side effects from spinal manipulation can include temporary headaches, tiredness, or discomfort in the area that was manipulated. There have been rare reports of strokes occurring after manipulation of the upper (cervical) spine, but whether manipulation actually caused the strokes is unclear. For risks associated with spinal manipulation affecting the cervical spine, see the NCCIH fact sheet Chiropractic: An Introduction.
Tai Chi
Tai chi, which originated in China, combines meditation with slow, graceful movements, deep breathing, and relaxation.
One small randomized study has evaluated tai chi for tension headaches. Some evidence of improvements in headache status and health-related quality of life was found among patients on the tai chi program compared to others on a wait list. These data are too limited to draw meaningful conclusions about whether this practice is helpful for tension headaches.
Tai chi is generally considered to be a safe practice.
Dietary Supplements
Several dietary supplements have been studied for headaches, particularly for migraine prevention. In 2012, the American Academy of Neurology and the American Headache Society issued evidence-based guidelines that classified certain dietary supplements as “effective,” “probably effective,” or “possibly effective” in preventing migraines. Their findings regarding effectiveness of specific supplements are summarized in the next sections. Also included are brief summaries of evidence on the safety and side effects of each supplement.
In their guidelines for migraine prevention, the American Academy of Neurology and the American Headache Society concluded that butterbur is effective and should be offered to patients with migraine to reduce the frequency and severity of migraine attacks.
The most common side effects of butterbur are belching and other mild digestive tract symptoms. Raw butterbur extracts contain pyrrolizidine alkaloids, which can cause liver damage and cancer. Extracts of butterbur that are almost completely free from these alkaloids are available. It is uncertain whether butterbur products, including reduced-alkaloid products, are safe for prolonged use.
Coenzyme Q10
Coenzyme Q10 is an antioxidant that cells need to function properly. It’s available as a dietary supplement and has been studied for a variety of purposes. The guidelines from the American Academy of Neurology and the American Headache Society say that coenzyme Q10 is possibly effective and may be considered for migraine prevention.
No serious side effects of coenzyme Q10 have been reported. It may interact with some medications, including the anticoagulant (blood-thinning) medication warfarin (Coumadin).
The guidelines from the American Academy of Neurology and the American Headache Society say that a specific feverfew extract called MIG-99 is probably effective and should be considered for migraine prevention.
Side effects of feverfew may include joint aches, digestive disturbances, and mouth ulcers. It may interact with anticoagulants (blood thinners) and some other medications. Feverfew is not safe for use during pregnancy. Its long-term safety has not been established.
Magnesium deficiency is related to factors that promote headaches, and people who get migraines may have lower levels of magnesium in their bodies than those who do not. The guidelines from the American Academy of Neurology and the American Headache Society say that magnesium is probably effective and should be considered for migraine prevention.
Magnesium supplements can cause diarrhea and may interact with some medications. Because the amounts of magnesium people take for migraines are greater than the Tolerable Upper Intake Level for this mineral (the largest amount that’s likely to be safe for almost everyone), magnesium supplements for migraine should be used only under the supervision of a health care provider.
The American Academy of Neurology and American Headache Society’s guidelines say that riboflavin is probably effective and should be considered for migraine prevention.
Riboflavin has minimal side effects, but it can cause an intense yellow discoloration of the urine.
NCCIH-Funded Research
NCCIH is supporting several studies of complementary health approaches for headaches.
November 3, 2017 Source: National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health
Seasonal allergies, also called hay fever or allergic rhinitis, are triggered each spring, summer, and fall when trees, weeds, and grasses release pollen into the air. When the pollen ends up in your nose and throat, it can bring on sneezing, runny nose, coughing, and itchy eyes and throat. People manage seasonal allergies by taking medication, avoiding exposure to the substances that trigger their allergic reactions, or having a series of “allergy shots” (a form of immunotherapy).
People also try various complementary approaches to manage their allergies. If you are considering any complementary health approach for the relief of seasonal allergy symptoms, here are some things you need to know.
- Nasal saline irrigation. There is some good evidence that saline nasal irrigation (putting salt water into one nostril and draining it out the other) can be useful for modest improvement of allergy symptoms. Nasal irrigation is generally safe; however, neti pots and other rinsing devices must be used and cleaned properly. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, tap water that is not filtered, treated, or processed in specific ways is not safe for use as a nasal rinse.
- Butterbur extract. There are hints that the herb butterbur may decrease the symptoms associated with nasal allergies. However, there are concerns about its safety.
- Honey. Only a few studies have looked at the effects of honey on seasonal allergy symptoms, and there is no convincing scientific evidence that honey provides symptom relief. Eating honey is generally safe; however, children under 1 year of age should not eat honey. People who are allergic to pollen or bee stings may also be allergic to honey.
- Acupuncture. A 2015 evaluation of 13 studies of acupuncture for allergic rhinitis, involving a total of 2,365 participants, found evidence that this approach may be helpful.
- Probiotics. There is some evidence that suggests that probiotics may improve some symptoms, as well as quality of life, in people with allergic rhinitis, but because probiotic formulations vary from study to study, it’s difficult to make firm conclusions about its effectiveness.
- Talk to your health care provider. If you suffer from seasonal allergies and are considering a complementary health approach, talk to your health care provider about the best ways to manage your symptoms. You may find that when the pollen count is high, staying indoors, wearing a mask, or rinsing off when you come inside can help.
October 24, 2017 Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Day is observed annually on October 24 since its initial commemoration on October 24, 2002. It is part of an effort designed to increase public awareness of the progress, promise, and benefits of acupuncture and Oriental medicine.

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